Failure to comply with the repayment of a loan or credit may result additional charge of arrears interest and enforcement procedures.
18A Raoul Wallenberg St.,
Building C, Tel Aviv, Israel
T: +972 3 646 5980
F: +972 3 684 4813
E: debt@reality-fund.com
REALITY 2025 | All Rights Reserved
This website (the “Website”) includes general and partial information in connection with examining the receipt of financing from Reality Debt Fund, L.P. (the “Fund”). The information set forth in this
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Reality Debt General Partner Ltd. | C.N 516374279
Extended Credit Provider License Holder, L.N 66335
Supervised by the Supervisor of Financial Services Providers at the Capital Market, Insurance and Savings Authority
Public Inquiries: Yoni +972-50-617-7670
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